Ce texte FLE évoque 10 astuces pour faciliter le quotidien, et comporte plusieurs exercices.
Le document comporte :
Texte d’une page avec 10 astuces (« lifehacks ») pour optimiser sa vie, telles que :
la règle des 2 minutes, nettoyer au fur et à mesure, désactiver les notifications…
Exercice de grammaire et conjugaison sur les prépositions (10 phrases)
Exercice d’expression orale avec 4 questions
Exercice d’expression écrite (1 sujet de rédaction)
Ce sujet est adapté aux apprenants à partir du niveau A2. Idéal pour B1 ou B2.
Il permettra de :
Connaître des astuces méconnues pour optimiser son mode de vie,
Améliorer son vocabulaire et son orthographe,
S’exprimer en français à l’oral et à l’écrit, sur un sujet concret.
Corrigé inclus.
Téléchargeable en PDF et en DOCX.
This FFL text is about 10 tips to make everyday life easier, and includes several exercises.
The document includes :
One-page text with 10 tips (“lifehacks”) for optimizing your life, such as:
the 2-minute rule, clean as you go, deactivating notifications…
Grammar and conjugation exercise on prepositions (10 sentences)
Oral expression exercise with 4 questions
Writing exercise (1 essay topic)
This topic is suitable for French learners at A2 level and above. Ideal for B1 or B2.
It will enable you to :
Learn little-known tips for optimizing your lifestyle,
Improve vocabulary and spelling,
Express yourself in French, both orally and in writing, on a concrete subject.
Answers included.
Downloadable in PDF and DOCX.
This page includes a matching game, where you have to write the number in the right box. At the top of the page, you have a summary of the dangers to underwater wildlife, with a number for each. These threats to aquatic animals are: garbage thrown into nature, masks, highly polluting factories, intensive fishing, plastic, pollution from ships (discharges, oil spills…), dangerous chemicals, cigarettes and cigarette butts, discharge of polluted water.
This activity is very useful because it is both entertaining and edifying: it is a good opportunity to make children aware of the problem of pollution and the importance of human actions in the degradation of the environment.
This exercise is intended for children from 6 years old, as well as for adults (A1 French level). You can download it in PDF format.
In these FFL worksheets (2 pages), you will find a text entitled “French culture: truth or prejudice?” for adults learners, level A2/B1. The text deals with the way of life of the French people, and addresses the prejudices that stick to them. The following questions are raised: Do the French like snails and frog legs? Do they really always eat cheese? Are they lazy?
After this text, you will find five written comprehension questions, quite simple. Then comes a vocabulary exercise in MCQ: you will have to find the definition of the words hautain, rude, fainéant, démodé, viennoiserie and patrimoine. Finally, you will find a written expression subject: How do you find life in France? If you have never been there, how do you imagine it?
This work is adapted to A2 level but can be used with B1 level learners to consolidate their knowledge of the French language.
An answer key is included. The document can be downloaded in PDF and editable DOCX.
Here is a FLE (French as a foreign language) exercise that will help you work on reading comprehension (intermediate level) as well as writing numbers. In this 4-page document, you will first read, on the first page, a part of the menu of a Chinese restaurant in Paris. There are numbers with the name of the corresponding dish and its price.
On pages 2 and 3, you will find 13 comprehension questions. You will have to answer them accurately and write the numbers in full.
Then, you will have 3 questions of written expression:
Do you like Chinese food, and Asian food in general?
What is your favorite type of cuisine?
Do you like to cook?
Finally, on the 4th page, you will find the answers to the 13 comprehension questions.
This exercise is useful for learners at an intermediate level, i.e. between A2 and B1 (equivalent to French CM1-CM1 or even 6ème).
The document is available in PDF format.
Many thanks to Matt Purland for the original idea.
French version:
Voici un exercice de FLE qui vous servira à travailler la compréhension écrite (niveau intermédiaire) ainsi que l’écriture des nombres. Dans ce document de 4 pages, vous pourrez d’abord lire, sur la première page, une partie de la carte d’un restaurant chinois parisien. Il s’y trouve des nombres avec le nom du plat correspondant ainsi que son prix.
Sur les pages 2 et 3, vous trouverez 13 questions de compréhension.
Il s’agira d’y répondre avec précision et d’écrire les nombres en toutes lettres. Ensuite, vous aurez 3 questions d’expression écrite :
Est-ce que tu aimes la nourriture chinoise, et plus généralement la nourriture asiatique ?
Quel est ton type de cuisine préféré ?
Est-ce que tu aimes cuisiner ?
Enfin, sur la quatrième page, vous trouverez le corrigé des 13 questions de compréhension.
Cet exercice est utile pour les apprenants d’un niveau intermédiaire, c’est-à-dire entre le niveau A2 et B1 (équivalent CM1-CM1 voire 6ème).
Le document est disponible au format PDF.
Un grand merci à Matt Purland pour l’idée originale.
Here are some crossword puzzles that will be useful for those who are learning to read in French. You will find various images and crossword puzzles. Each time you have to recognize the right word from the list (at the bottom) and place them in the right place.
These works are intended for CP / CE1 (1st & 2nd grade). They can also be used with adults (A1 level). These exercises can be downloaded in PDF format.
The subject here is the syllable OI. The purpose of the exercise is to avoid the frequent confusion between these two letters
Leboncoin est le site internet de petites annonces le plus connu en France. Nous avons donc eu l’idée de faire un exercice d’expression écrite pour permettre aux étrangers d’apprivoiser cette plate-forme très utilisée dans l’Hexagone. Il s’agira donc de répondre à une annonce de logement, en l’occurrence une chambre en colocation. Après le texte de l’annonce, vous trouverez un espace de texte où l’apprenant devra proposer un e-mail de réponse, en respectant certaines indications (poser des questions supplémentaires, proposer un rendez-vous…).
Cet exercice est idéal pour les apprenants FLE A2 ou B1, mais on peut aussi le donner aux apprenants de niveaux supérieurs (B2 voire C1). Ce sera l’occasion d’améliorer leur rédaction.
Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF ainsi qu’au format DOCX.
Leboncoin is the most famous classified ads website in France. We therefore had the idea of doing a written expression exercise to allow foreigners to get to know this platform, which is widely used in France. They will have to answer an advertisement for accommodation, in this case a shared room. After the text of the ad, you will find a text space where the learner will have to propose a response e-mail, respecting certain indications (ask additional questions, propose an appointment…).
This exercise is ideal for FLE A2 or B1 learners, but it can also be given to learners at higher levels (B2 or even C1). It will be an opportunity to improve their writing.
The document can be downloaded in PDF format as well as in DOCX format.
This worksheet includes one single page with 6 color pictures, which are on the theme of family activities. You will find space on the right to write sentences related to the image. This exercise is useful for A2-B1 French learners. A complete answer key is attached to the document.
This worksheet includes one single page with 7 color pictures, which are on the theme of family activities. You will find space on the right to write sentences related to the image. This exercise is useful for A2-B1 French learners. A complete answer key is attached to the document.
This worksheet includes one single page with 7 color pictures, which are on the theme of family activities. You will find space on the right to write sentences related to the image. This exercise is useful for A2-B1 French learners. A complete answer key is attached to the document.
This worksheet about plants and flowers is intended for students in 2nd Grade (level A1 according to the CERCL).
In the first exercise, the names of plants and flowers have to be circled among a list of 12 words.
Then, in the second exercise, you will have to write down these correct answers.
Finally, in the last exercise, you will have to recompose the name of each of the six plants from the syllables present on the pictures, and write down the name in the small box below each plant. The plants in question are: orchid, mint, poppy, daffodil, tulip and sunflower (orchidée, menthe, coquelicot, jonquille, tulipe et tournesol).
This activity provides an introduction to the world of plants. It will also help the students to decompose and write French words (this work is useful to better master cursive writing).
In this activity sheet (PDF), on the theme of jobs, you will have to choose the right word from the list and write it below the corresponding image. You will find the following words: an artist - a barber - a cashier - a driver - a cook - a doctor - a breeder - an office worker - a farmer - a journalist - a deliveryman - a soldier (un artiste – un barbier – un caissier – un chauffeur – un cuisinier – un docteur – un éleveur – un employé de bureau – un fermier – une journaliste – un livreur – un militaire)
This exercise is is suitable for children of CP-CE1 level (1st, 2nd grade - A1.1 minimum). You will find the answers in the document.
Do you want to improve your French skills? This book will help you do this: you will find around 50 exercises, with detailed answers.
The advantages of this book:
The exercises are written by a experienced teacher in French as a foreign language (FLE), who got Master’s degrees from French universities (University Sorbonne Paris I, Paris II and Paris V - 2010, 2011 and 2012);
The activities are numerous: grammar, conjugation, written comprehension, writing notices, letters, recommendations, maps (geography of Europe and France), crosswords, monument study, dialogues, choosing a telephone package, weather forecast, studying road safety instructions, replying to a job offer, writing a complaint letter related to a defective product…;
We study everyday spoken French, with common and familiar words used by people on a daily basis (the author has been living in France since childhood, so he knows what he’s talking about!);
The exercises are practical, adapted to daily life;
A lot of them are corrected in detail;
You will also be able to correct sentences containing mistakes made by learners, in order to help you avoid common errors;
You will find the answers right after the exercises: no need to go to the end of the book! (but you will still have to turn the page!).
This workbook is intended for beginners and intermediates who already have a basic knowledge of French (level A2 and B1, or even B2 wishing to deepen their knowledge of the French language).
Here is an exercise entitled “White sugar in our food”, for A1 French level learners, i.e. those learning to read and write. It is about sugar and its high presence in everyday foods. You will find pictures representing food, with the equivalent in white sugar next to it. The foods shown are: a can of coke, a croissant, a chocolate bar, a slice of Nutella, several cookies, and a strawberry ice cream cone. To the right of each food, you will have to write each time one sentence detailing the amount of sugar it contains (there is a complete sentence as an example, which serves as an aid).
This one-page document is available for download in PDF format. You can use it with young students at the CP+ and CE1 levels (1st & 2nd grade equivalent in France).
French version:
Voici un exercice intitulé Le sucre blanc dans notre nourriture, à destination des apprenants de niveau A1, c’est-à-dire qui apprennent à lire et à écrire. Il est ici question du sucre et de sa forte présence dans des aliments du quotidien. Vous trouverez des images représentant de la nourriture, avec à côté l’équivalent en sucre blanc. Les aliments présentés sont : une canette de coca, un croissant, une barre chocolatée, une tartine de Nutella, plusieurs cookies, et un cône de glace à la fraise. À droite de chaque aliment, Il faudra écrire une phrase détaillant la quantité de sucre qu’il contient (il y a une phrase complète à titre d’exemple, qui sert d’aide).
Ce document d’une page est téléchargeable au format PDF. Vous pouvez l’utiliser avec de jeunes élèves de niveau CP+ et CE1.
This worksheet contains the names and illustrations of 9 birds which are found in particular in the Paris region, namely: the Canada goose, the mute swan, the mallard, the mandarin duck, the wood pigeon, the rock pigeon, the wood magpie and the carrion crow (la bernache du Canada, le cygne tuberculé, le canard colvert, le canard mandarin, le pigeon ramier, le pigeon biset, la pie bavarde et la corneille noire). Your student will copy the name of each bird according to the model.
This worksheet is useful to improve your reading skills, to become familiar with the writing gesture, as well as to enrich your general culture and to recognize birds.
The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format.
Here are 12 sentences containing recurrent errors made by non-French speaking learners. They are sentences related to everyday life. A detailed answer key is included.
The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format.
Here is a one-page worksheet with 4 small exercises on the theme of months and seasons (100 % in French). In the first exercise, you will have to number the 12 months of the year in chronological order. In the second exercise, you will have to write in order the twelve months of the year. In the third exercise, you will have to link each picture to the corresponding season and circle your favorite season. Finally, in the last exercise, you will have to answer the following questions: What month were you born? What month is it? What is your favorite season? In general, what do you do in the summer and in the winter?
This worksheet is suitable for adults and children (French A1.1, A1, 1st grade and 2nd grade), and is a good introduction to learning to write the months and seasons. This document can be downloaded in PDF & DOCX format.
This three-page exercise (100 % in French - PDF) includes a text with a life lesson. It contains comprehension questions, a conjugation exercise, and a writing exercise. The theme is friendship and good behavior. The story is about a hedgehog who feels lonely. Near him are some rabbits, so the little animal offers to play with them, and they accept. But during the game, the hedgehog behaves in an unfriendly manner: he has fun poking his friends with his thorns. The rabbits complain, they reproach him for this and leave him alone. The text then states that people who are unpleasant and have a bad character are repulsive and do not attract good company.
After five comprehension questions, you will find a conjugation exercise, where you will have to rewrite a text from the past tense (imparfait) into the present. Then, an essay is proposed with the following question: “Do you think the hedgehog did the right thing? What should he have done instead?”
On the 3rd page, we have added a general knowledge exercise, where the differences between the hedgehog and the porcupine are to be identified, using a text. A table is to be completed.
Finally, on the 4th page, you will find an answer key.
This exercise is inspired by Fabry Bourceau’s book Lectures expliquées avec enseignement moral et civique CE (1956), pp. 83-84. It has been adapted, illustrated and expanded. The text is suitable for students from CE2, CM1 and CM2. It is also useful for French learners at the A2 or B1 level
This “missing letters” exercise involves finding the missing letters in each word. The words are almost completely written out, and the student will have to find the letter that does not appear.
This work is interesting for a playful approach to reading and writing: it is often not easy to break down words. Completing words that are almost entirely written will be a prerequisite for greater autonomy.
This exercise is both simple and effective: I have noticed that students like it because it is accessible and complete (for beginners). This is why I have created other exercises of the same type, on different themes.
The theme of the worksheet is: fruits. Here are the words to write: poire, raisin, prune, framboise, kaki, myrtille, pomme, grenade, fraise, figue, orange, banane, citron et cerise (pear, grape, plum, raspberry, persimmon, blueberry, apple, pomegranate, strawberry, fig, orange, banana, lemon and cherry).
Below each word is a line: the student/learner can copy the word just above it, in order to become familiar with the writing gesture and better memorize the word. These exercises, also known as “hole words”, are downloadable in PDF format and are adapted to the A1.1 and A1 level (equivalent to year 1 and year 2).
Ce document comporte une lettre (fictive) d’une étudiante à Paris, adressée à une amie. Après le texte de la lettre, vous trouverez d’abord une explication de certains mots et expression. Après un exercice de vocabulaire (assembler 11 expressions avec leur bonne explication), ce sont quatre questions de compréhension à choix multiples auxquelles il faudra répondre. Puis, deux questions d’expression : qu’est-ce que l’étudiante apprécie dans sa vie à Paris, et qu’est-ce qu’elle n’apprécie pas ? Enfin, dans la dernière partie, il s’agira de rédiger une lettre de réponse au courrier adressé.
Cet exercice est utile pour les apprenants de niveau A2-B1 voire B2. Il leur aidera à mieux s’exprimer, tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit. De plus, les apprenants pourront apprendre quelques mots et expressions bien utiles.
Un corrigé est joint à l’exercice. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF.
English version
This document contains a (fictitious) letter from a student in Paris, addressed to a friend. After the text of the letter, you will first find an explanation of some words and expressions. After a vocabulary exercise (assemble 11 expressions with their correct explanation), there are four multiple choice comprehension questions to answer. Then, two questions of expression: what does the student appreciate in her life in Paris, and what does she not appreciate? Finally, in the last part, the students will have to write a letter in response to the letter sent.
This exercise is useful for A2-B1 level learners. It will help them to express themselves better, both orally and in writing. In addition, learners will learn some useful words and expressions.
An answer key is attached to the exercise. The document can be downloaded in PDF format.
In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Forest animals (Les animaux de la forêt).
You will find the following animals: une biche - un cerf - une chouette - un hérisson - un hibou - un lièvre - un loup - un renard - un sanglier
This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).